We will enrich our knowledge of the basic techniques and suspensions of this style focusing on the concepts behind the patterns. We will also start mixing up these techniques to create new personalized patterns that will have the look and aesthetics of the style but will be completely new and individual.
Basic and advanced transitions will be covered in detail. We will introduce elements of advanced communication through rope and will go deeper into the spirit of japanese erotic semenawa bondage.
Other instructions
Workshop is taking place in Prague near Anděl in our beautiful new studio. Exact address will be sent to you by mail after confirmation of your registration.
This workshop is intended for advanced riggers and rope bottoms/models with experience in Naka ryu. Riggers are required to be solid in their gote and in the fundamentals of the style. Completing workshops>
- Naka ryu I with Kinbaku Luxuria or
- Class #1 with Kurogami & Shiawase or
- Semenawa #1 with Soptik & Sansei or
- Kinbaku I-III in Subspace is required.
Registrations are approved according to level of participants.
Workshop will be held in English.
Bring with you
Participants need to bring at least 12 ropes, 15 been ideal.
Subspace studio is equipped with futons, blankets, kitchen, shower, etc.
Write in private to Red Sabbath on Facebook or mail freebri@gmail.com for info, prices and reservations.